My glasses have been missing for a week and a half. I am fairly certain Peanut swiped them and put them in the trashcan for safe keeping. This educated guess is supported by loads of empirical evidence. Like Legos in my desk drawer. Measuring cups in the bathtub. Shoes filled with crayons. And the indisputable fact that I find her howling, her left hand holding down the lid of the trashcan with her right hand trapped inside. Six or seven times a day.
Life without glasses has been fuzzy and frustrating. Headaches arriving before breakfast to stay the day through. I squint. I hold papers close to my nose. I misinterpret information. I avoid the details and fine print. At every turn I am aware of my lack of vision.
And facing my dim reflection I offer a prayer of thanks for the word of God and truth that brings light and clarity. I am grateful for the promise of Christ to offer sight to the blind. I can manage without glasses. But things are not entirely clear. Life with lenses is much, much better. These tired eyes see things new when looking through some proper specs. Just as the edges of my daily life and shadows on the horizon come into focus with the word of God.
“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” Psalm 19:8
Thank God for His commands--amen to giving light to the eyes!