Sis informed, “I think my trick is better on the trampoline.”
“What is your trick?” I asked, since it was clear she was going to tell me anyway.
“I jump up as high as I can and then land on my bottom. I just tried it on the carpet and it hurt my bottom for ten minutes.”
She was right. It is important where you land. And I should not try feats and wonders unless I am properly arranged over the right surface. I just finished reading The God of All Comfort, by Hannah Whitall Smith. Buoyed by her call to take God at his word and live like it is true, which indeed I do believe, I reread Psalm 23. It reminded that the Good Shepard leads me in green pastures. And I lifted my hands in agreement, thanking him for the spring green and budding promises all around me. For the breeze that is cooled as it gently blows over new grasses. And I lifted my hands in agreement at the truth of quiet waters. Refreshing and life giving. And I asked that He would grant me the fortitude to stay mentally seated all day long in this place of grace and nourishment.
I set down my bible, got off the stationary bike and took my smile and new attitude upstairs. Like a kid just learning to ride without training wheels, for a few tenuous moments if looked like I might wobble right off the road. But by grace and necessity the teetering lessened. I balanced and pointed my chin the direction I wanted to go. And the day was great. And God was true to his word. He gave my children gracious spirits and kind words. He gave Mama the same. We ate our daily bread and it was enough.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.” Psalm 23:1-2
AMEN...sounds just as it should be!